Monday, March 26, 2012


With three guys in the house and only one lady--unless you count my dog--the topic of mustaches has come up more than once. Not to mention society's current obsession with the mustache you draw on your finger and hold over your upper lip. So, yes, I guess mustaches have been a popular subject to discuss in our household lately. We even saw a woman with one tattooed on her finger the other day to which my 7-year-old commented, "When I get older, if I can't grow a mustache, I'll just get one tattooed on!" It was ridiculously funny!

Where was I headed on this one? Oh yeah...we were discussing mustaches and I was telling my younger son that he'll have to shave his one day when he gets older, and he invited me to take a closer look at the one he already has growing. I leaned down to look closely, and he said, "wow, mom, you're kinda growing one too!" I almost died laughing.

After examining myself in the mirror, I realized that he was right. I have gone way too long without attending to my own "shadow" on my upper lip. As a busy mom, a homeschooling mom no less, I will DEFINITELY get right on that!

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