Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Peeps Marshmallow Treats

I know that Easter is not about Peeps. Easter is about our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. So, don't get me wrong when I say that peeps have to be part of the Easter celebration. They just have to be! I can hear lots of people agreeing with me out there.

Ever since I was a little girl, my brother and I had at least 1 package of Peeps in our Easter Baskets. Now that I'm an adult, every year, whether it's in our Easter Baskets or just to snack on, around this time of year, we will have eaten some Peeps. 

But, I don't just open the package and dig in. I'm usually not big on eating marshmallow-y stuff, so I open the package and leave it open for 3-4 days so that the little marshmallow creatures get nice and stale. Then I can eat them with pure satisfaction. Check out this video tour of the Peeps factory in Pennsylvania--it's really cool. Click HERE  to watch the video.

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