I had to share this book. This is such a fun, hope-giving, uplifting book about heaven. We read a little at a time and turned it into our devotion time. It helped me to think about heaven--what it will be like, what we will do there, what our part is, etc. I don't do this often, but this guidebook reminded me how fun and important it is to daydream about our eternal home. Definitely a fun, light-hearted, but important read. Check it out!
The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell, M.D.
Learning your child's love language is an essential part of child-rearing. If you don't know how your child likes to be loved, you can't really love them the way that they need. This book does a wonderful job of outlining the 5 different love languages, what they are, and how to use them to show love to your children. I especially like that in the book they guide you in how to find what your child's love language is. If you're having a hard time deciding which it is (or which is the strongest for him) you can use their guide and it will lead you to the jackpot. A recommended read for sure! It would be great to keep in your permanent library for reference purposes throughout the years.
You Can't Make Me [But I can be persuaded]: strategies for bringing out the best in your strong-willed child
by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias
If you have a strong willed child (SWC) you have GOT to own this book. I heard an interview with the author, before reading the book, and she stated that she was an SWC and that she wrote the book with special insights. I didn't exactly believe that because I've read other books that just weren't very much help. But, she was not lying. She definitely hit the nail on the head with this book. Spoken like a true SWC, she gives you a peek into the mind and heart of an SWC and gives you practical ways to maintain a respectful relationship with them while still maintaining your parental authority--and your sanity. It's quite encouraging.
Wild at Heart by John Eldredge
Guest Reviewer, my husband: I am not a big reader, but I found this book on audio c.d. and listened to it in my car on my way to work. I strongly recommend the book/audio c.d. to every man because it highlights a lot of questions in a man's heart that I never even knew existed. I would never have asked them, or known how to answer them without this author's help.
After reading this book, I realized that Jesus was a lot stronger, and more manly than how I had ever imagined him; it brought His true character to light in a way that I grew to understand Him and love Him more. I've now listened to this at least 10 times and sent it to many of the men in my life whom I love. You should get this book!
A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers
Talk about an awesome book. I picked this one up at a garage sale, just for a little fun reading, and it blew me away. This book is divided into five different stories of "unlikely women who changed eternity." Each of the stories tells of a woman from Jesus' lineage and how she was used by God for His purposes. I got chills as I read some of these stories. The author takes you into the time period she's writing about--at one point I thought I could hear and smell the surroundings she was describing.
Not only are her descriptive abilities, phenomenal, Rivers tells the stories in a way that will have you on your knees praying to be like the women she writes about. Talk about a strong woman! And, I don't mean "strong" in the way many liberal women would describe themselves today, but strong in the eyes of God. The things these women endured, broke my heart on many levels, but made me stronger for it.
Lies Young Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free
by Nancy Leigh Demoss & Danna Gresh
This is a powerful book. I picked it up because a friend was doing a discipleship class with some young girls from our co-op. I had never heard of anything like the class she was doing, and then when she told me the title of the book they were following, I was astonished. I picked up a copy and read right through it. What a great read for every young girl. It's a book that touches on the sensitive topics every girl faces on her journey to becoming a woman.
As I read through this book, I thought about how helpful a book like this would've been for me as I was growing up. It's written in an easy-to-read style and it's even a great read for adult women. I found that it brought healing to me as I was able to revisit some of the things I experienced growing up, but this time I had God's word backing me up and a great book to explain a few things to me. If you have a daughter in junior high or high school, definitely get this book. It's even better if you read it together & discuss it (you could read aloud, or even read your own copies separately, and reconvene to discuss). This is a great tool for so many reasons.
Homeschooling the Challenging Child by Christine M. Field
If you have a challenging child, due to learning disabilities or differences, health issues, or personality type, this book is a great resource to have on hand. The author gives practical solutions for everyday challenges we face as homeschooling parents, whether or not we have a child worthy of being deemed challenging. In reality, parenting in general is challenging--as is homeschooling. So this book could very well be helpful to any parent in need of some fresh ideas for their homeschooling routine.
Field writes this book from an understanding & compassionate viewpoint, being honest as she shares some of her family's own struggles. She also includes other helpful resources including others' books and websites for the reader to use. This is the kind of book that you'll want to highlight and dog-ear the pages. You'll definitely be coming back to it time and time again.
The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian

This book should be on every parent's book list. Omartian writes in a way that is easy to read and understand. She explains her reasoning behind each prayer, shares a detailed prayer to pray over our children, and then wraps up each chapter with several passages of scripture.
This book is neatly organized and gives a practical, powerful way to pray for our children. If you're like me, sometimes I get stuck in a rut when praying for my kids (I've also heard others refer to this as parrot prayers). Reading the prayers throughout this book added some spice and depth to my prayers for my kids and I am now bathing them in prayer on a much deeper level. A definite thumbs up! (I had a friend tell me the other day that she had to purchase another copy because hers had become so ratty from using it so much. If that's not encouraging....)
Lord Foulgrin's Letters by Randy Alcorn
I found this book in the teen section of a local church library. The cover illustration initially caught my eye, but when I read the back I decided to take it home and have a look. This book has been compared to the book, "The Screwtape Letters" (which I haven't read). Throughout this book, you see the goings on between a demon, Lord Foulgrin, and his newest subordinate, Squailtaint. Lord Foulgrin writes detailed letters to Squailtaint about how to creep into people's lives and get his hooks in them without their knowing it. Lord Foulgrin teaches his subordinate how to be subtle because that's the best way to suck people into their traps. We are given great insight to the thoughts that demons may very well have, and the plans they put into practice in order to "steal, kill, & destroy."
It was kind of creepy when I first started reading it, because I haven't read a lot of other books like this. But the creepiness quickly passed once I realized that I am not made to have a spirit of fear and that it is written around a very real thing--the spirit world. There are demons out there constantly plotting against us, and this book is written in a way that makes you examine your own life in a new light. We do get busy, and sometimes we forget that there's a spiritual battle going on, and Satan is real, and he wants each and every one of us. I think this book is definitely worth reading. But a word of caution--you may want to read it first before setting your teenager loose with it. Some teens may just get fearful. You know your teen best, so use your judgement as to whether it would be helpful or just terrifying to him.
The Holy Bible
This should be on everyone's shelf; it's definitely my favorite book of all time. I believe The Bible is God's Living Word. God speaks to us through His word and we learn to be more like him--to love more like him--each time we read it. Don't get me wrong, you'll find excuses not to read it--I know I do. But, press on, and make it a priority. It will change your life! I enjoy the NIV version, and also the NLT version. I have a few different versions in my home to cross reference and help me get the most out of my reading.