Thursday, March 1, 2012

Coffee Run            

Have you ever been embarrassed to return to the same Starbucks more than once in the same day? I have. It's funny though-- I didn't think other people felt that way.
 That was until this morning when I was waiting by the counter, to get my greedy little hands on  my grande vanilla latte with extra whipped cream. A woman was waiting next to me to get another scoop of ice in what was left of her iced coffee. She glanced my way with a funny grin and I commented that she must've had an early morning if she's already back for seconds. She laughed and proceeded to explain to me how sometimes, on those multiple trips to Starbucks days, she'll go to different locations because she's embarrassed to go back more than once. We shared a laugh as I told her that I've done the same thing.

It's pretty funny though because many of the people I've met who work at Starbucks are multiple-cups-of-coffee kinds of people. So, I don't think they really care how many times a day they see us. This may be an overgeneralization on my part, but it seems they'd be grateful for our multiple stop-ins. After all, we are  contributing to their paycheck! So if you are someone who stops in at Starbucks multiple times a day, know that I won't judge you and that some days, I will be with you in spirit as I duck my head into Starbucks more than once and hope that the employees don't think I'm weird.

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