Thursday, March 29, 2012


I know it's terrible. I know it dumps loads of sugar into my system, eats away my calcium, weakens my teeth, makes me gain weight, and drops me after short time...but it's still so difficult to stop drinking it. Pepsi & Coke are definitely like drugs for me. (Even as I'm uploading this ice-cold-looking soda can, I can almost hear the explosion of little carbonation bubbles as the soda can is opened, and taste the bubbling soda inside.)

I have quit several times, but each time I start back up. It starts with a few sips here, a few sips there, then it's two cans of soda or more a day. But, today that all stopped--again. I'm putting my foot down and I'm done with my daily soda habit. I even wrote "NO SODA" on my hand so that I wouldn't absentmindedly open one and gulp it down. This is the time it's going to work. I just know it! I am now soda-free. I wonder if my husband will join me?

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