Sunday, April 1, 2012

Crafty Leash Hanger

I found this project on Pinterest and decided to attempt it. I couldn't resist, my baby, Tobi, needed something crafty & stylish to hold her leash. And she got it! Here are the simple steps to the leash holder I made:

1) Cut a piece of wood into the desired shape.

2) Sand the wood so it's nice and smooth.

3) Paint it your doggy's favorite color (or yours) he he! I sanded the
     edges to give it a shabby chic look.

4) Get your dog's paw print onto the block of wood--in any way you
     can. I realize that some people simply paint on a perfect-looking
     paw print, but we wanted it to be her real paw. We attempted it, 
     and it was a mess. So, we fixed it to actually look like a paw 
     print. But, all the messy-out-of-place-parts of the paint are from
     her actual fur and paw!

5) Attach a hook for holding the leash.

6) Hang on your wall. Ours is right by the front door.

7) Voila! Project complete.

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