Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

 I couldn't understand why it would be called "good" until I looked up the translation last year, and  found that the translation actually means "Holy" Friday. This made sense to me since it gives a much better description of what the day symbolizes. It's a holy day--the day Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross to lay down his life for you and me (John 3:16).

When you're celebrating this Easter weekend with kids, don't leave out Good Friday. It's tempting because of the gruesome way Jesus died and the hate and evil that was shown to Him on this day in history. But, it's important to remember that without this day, Resurrection Sunday means nothing. Christ had to die in order to rise again. 

So, don't leave out Good Friday from your Easter Weekend celebrations. With younger kids, you don't have to go into too much detail if you're afraid of their reaction or if they're not mature enough to handle the details. Each year, you can tell them a little more of the details as they grow older and more mature. But definitely help them understand from the beginning that Jesus died for our sins. But, also help them remember that Resurrection Sunday is coming soon, and that Jesus beat death on that cross!

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