Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I saw two stars today. First, at the ice skating rink, we took pictures with a star from the show CSI. They were filming in the parking lot and he came over to say hello and pose for a picture. That was exciting!

Do you know the guy in black?

Then on the way home, we stopped by a local church library--I forgot tonight is the opening day of their Passion play for Easter. As I stood at the counter checking out books, Jesus came up beside me and hugged me! It was the actor who plays Jesus in the play. He smelled of hair dye and makeup, and looked perfectly ready to get out on stage. I wished we were staying for the play, but we're actually going a different day. Anyway, I hugged Jesus! 

It was exciting to hug the main actor from such a huge production; it was exciting to hug the fake Jesus;  it was exciting that I saw two stars within 30 minutes in the same day! On my drive home as I shared the story with my boys, of seeing Jesus in the library, I got to share my excitement about meeting the real Jesus. If being in such close proximity to someone who plays Jesus was so exciting, imagine what it will be like on the day we meet Jesus face to face. Wow! I rode home with such joy in my heart. I can't wait to meet Him in Heaven!

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