Saturday, April 28, 2012

5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Food During Vacation

We'll be leaving for vacation very soon. Though we can't wait and are excited to travel and live in hotels for a week and 1/2, we will definitely be saving money on our food choices. That's one thing that gets really expensive during vacation. I'm sure you can agree with that. But there are smart ways to save, and I'll share a few with you. Here's what we'll be doing:

1) Buy a case of water bottles and take them with you. This will save money on drinks when you eat out or in between meals. I just hate shelling out an extra $6.00 - $10.00 every time we eat.

2) Pack a whole suitcase of food. You can take it with you into your hotel. We'll be putting protein bars, applesauce, fruit, juice boxes, cereal, yogurt, and other healthy snacks.

3) Visit a Costco near you and eat all the samples for a light lunch if you really want to go cheap! (Haven't tried this one yet, but it sounds adventurous!)

4) Stay at a hotel that offers more than just bagels for breakfast. If you pay more for a hotel that offers this kind of "breakfast" it doesn't really pay off because the kids are hungry again in about an hour. Find a place that offers a substantial breakfast, just make sure it's still a good deal.

5) Scope out the restaurants that offer "kids eat free" deals. You can slash your bill in half this way, and there are so many restaurants that offer this. Your kids can eat free for several nights of the week if you just move around to different restaurants.

There you have it. The 5 easiest ways to save money on food while on vacation with your family. Happy travels!

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