Thursday, April 26, 2012

Homeschooling Through High School

Homeschooling through highschool can seem intimidating at first glance. But if you're there, or will be soon, take a deep breath and relax. Don't feel like you have to send your child to public or private school and discontinue homeschooling just because it's high school. You can do this!

I am not quite there yet, but I am definitely already preparing for the high school years of homeschooling. I have one more year until I REALLY have to worry about it, but I figured if I wait until then, I'll lose my sanity. 

My good friend's son is starting high school in the fall, so I'm watching as she's preparing to jump into this new adventure. Don't be disheartened, you've gone this far, you're the parent and nobody knows your son better than you, AND God is on your side. Do what you think is right for your family.

Here is a great idea: A woman from our co-op is going to hold a meeting for parents who are getting ready to start homeschooling high school-aged teenagers. She's holding the meeting in her home were she'll share tips and other information that has helped her through the high school years. If you know other moms who have already started this journey, ask them if they might meet with you before the school year starts or even hold a meeting for other people in the same boat. What a great resource!

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