Thursday, March 8, 2012

Drum Lesson

A family friend just gave us a drum set and both of our boys are now wanting to take drum lessons. We won't be starting lessons for a few weeks, but they've had a blast finding some beginning drumming techniques online and then putting them into practice out in the garage.

The boys and I were at the church finishing up some work today when one of the drummers from the worship team stopped by to drop off some parts to his drum set. Imagine the boys' excitement when he invited them to pound away on his drums!

I was in the office when suddenly their murmurs had disappeared. I walked down the hallway to see where they had gone when I heard the loud thundering of the bass drum followed by the crashing sounds of cymbals. I chuckled to myself just imagining how much fun the boys were having in there. What a cool guy to share his instrument with two curious boys. It was a fun surprise indeed.

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