Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kids & Taste Buds:The One Bite Rule

I remember reading an article about kids and nutrition in which they gave the advice to have your kids try new foods. Duh! But, that wasn't the part I wanted to share with you. The interesting part was to have a rule that the kids have to try one bite when you offer them a new food. We tweaked the rule a little by adding that if they don't like it they can even spit it out. What a great idea this has turned out to be!

We quickly put that rule to use in our home. And it's worked. Many of the foods that kids may not otherwise taste, my kids have come to enjoy because we've encouraged them to at least try it. Adding on the part about being able to spit it out if they dislike it has been a lifesaver--it's like their safety net, and they know they can use it whenever they need it.

So, why am I blogging about this tonight? Because I made brussel sprouts for the kids, and my youngest (who is my pickiest eater) asked for seconds. We applied the rule to the brussel sprouts tonight. They weren't new, but they were something that he hasn't liked in the past. But we reminded him that our taste buds changed and that he needed to take one bite. Success! He even asked for seconds.

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