Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photography for Fun

Each time I put a camera in my boys' hands, I am amazed at the pictures they take. They get great angles and I love seeing what their little artistic eyes see. 

This week as we spent quite a bit of time outside enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having, I remembered to give the boys some time with the camera. My older son was a little hesitant at first, but once he took a few pictures he enjoyed it. My little one loves to get his hands on the camera, so it didn't take much convincing for him! 

Here are two pictures of what we spotted outside and deemed "picture worthy." I am always encouraging the boys to use their God-given creativity--it's so joyous to see the outcomes! 

Photo Credit: Ethan, 6 yrs

Photo Credit: Thomas, 13 yrs

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