Monday, March 19, 2012

First Aid for Boys

We had a First Aid training for our boys today. It was offered by a mom who used to be a nurse and she taught it at our Contenders for the Faith group for boys ages 5-12 (at least I think this is the age range). She gave an informative presentation about different emergencies and engaged the boys well by presenting them with different scenarios and encouraging their participation.
My youngest son, Ethan, in Motion!

Each of the boys also had a chance to actually put their learning into practice by using CPR on the mannequins. It was very cool to watch. She also tied a sling onto each one of the boys to demonstrate how it is done and let them experience what it felt like. The boys seemed to soak up the information and the mom did a wonderful job with them. Many thanks!

*Could you perform CPR in an emergency? Even if you're not certified, you should look it up online. Who knows when you may be called upon to save a life. Follow THIS LINK for simple steps on administering CPR. There's even a free pocket guide you can print out and carry with you. 

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