Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Day in History

Today is March 14th, 2012. On this day in history, some very important happenings took place. The first one I'd like to mention is that my youngest son was born on this day in 2005. Happy Birthday, big guy. We love you. This blog entry is dedicated to you!

One of my favorite pictures of our youngest son

Fun Facts about this day in history:

  • Albert Einstein was born (1879)
  • The FBI debuted the 10 Most Wanted (1950)
  • Alexander Hamilton was named captain of the artillery company (American Revolution, 1776)
  • The first hospital blood bank in the U.S. was established in Chicago, at Cook County Hospital (1937)
  • Maine became the 23rd State (1820)
  • (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay, by Otis Redding was #1 song in U.S.A. (1968)

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