Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rip Current Safety

Ventura Beach was beautiful last week. The boys (along with my husband's help) dug a super-deep hole with seats, overhead coverings, and steps. We searched the rocks for crabs, and ran our dog along the beach. The boys were in the ocean about 25 yards away from dolphins too. It was a day filled with adventure.

But just on the other side of the rocks, the ocean was especially choppy that day-- high tide with lots of swirly, foamy water. We noticed a plaque that was dedicated to a deputy who gave his life rescuing two people who were caught in a rip current. And that's the ugly truth. Though the beach is beautiful and fun, we have to be safe. What would you do if you or your kids were caught in a rip current? Here are a few tips:

1) Do not swim against the rip current

2) Instead, swim parallel to the shore

3) Once you've made it through the rip current, you can head back
     in to the shore

*Make sure your kids know this information before they splash into that big, sparkly ocean this summer. And if they do go into the water, experts recommend that they never swim alone; always make sure they have a buddy with them.

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