Thursday, April 12, 2012


When I first started homeschooling I came across a lot of information regarding unschooling and it sounded fabulous! I followed this style while I helped my son decompress from public school, but it didn't last too long. Not that I completely ditched the idea of unschooling, but I did add more workbooks and do more traditional schooling than I originally intended. 

Looking back, I can see where I got ensnared and started doing more traditional schooling. But, that's a huge reason why my kids are homeschooled--so that we don't have to follow the norm and I can bend their schooling to fit them & let them do a lot of self-directed learning. I got too caught up in what they "should be" learning and I forgot about my original intentions. It's a little scary doing something that's unfamiliar; actually, it's really scary. As a public school graduate, homeschooling, and especially unschooling, is very unfamiliar to me.

I'm not a radical unschooler, but I have decided to let go of some of our more rigid areas of schooling and pursue them at a more leisurely pace and help my kids to maintain their love for learning rather than building up their frustration levels, or boring them for no reason at all. I don't want to cram information down their throats. I want to train them up in the way they should go--find what they excel in, and nurture their passions. So, here's to our adventure and my learning how to better unschool my kids (along with a little traditional schooling, of course).

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